Finn & Gray featured in Woodbury Magazine

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In our exciting journey of business ownership, we were honored to be featured in the November 2023 issue of Woodbury Magazine, where we shared insights on our creative approach and the ethos behind Finn & Gray. The feature in Woodbury Magazine dove into our story – from our humble beginnings to empowering fellow entrepreneurs through our unique blend of creativity and business ideas. As we continue to navigate the entrepreneurial rollercoaster, we invite you to join us in this adventure, drawing inspiration and practical tips to build your dream business.

One “spoiler” from the article that is our favorite is to always look at action vs. motivation.

One of Nagy’s top pieces of advice for people looking to start a business? Learn the difference between motivation and action. “Ami and I, coming from a fitness environment, you learn the difference between motivation and action. When you’re reading a business book or a blog or listening to a podcast—that’s motivation. Action is when you actually take something and start working on it,” Nagy says.

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